Our Human Spirit Portions / WWY L44

1 year ago

Note: The audio doesn't start until 4:30. My apologies for the technical/microphone difficulties.

We are spirit, soul, and body (1Th 5:23) right? But did you know that our human spirit needs ministry too (2Cor 7:1)? Did you know that that much like Yah/God having 7 spirits (Isa 11:2) that our own human spirit has 7 different 'portions'?

If you're not familiar with this concept you need to be. Because ideally, as disciples, the goal is to be led by our spirit and not our flesh.

Eze 13:3 Thus said the Master יהוה, “Woe to the foolish prophets, who are following their own spirit, without having had a vision!

Uhm . . . so obviously these foolish prophets were following their own human spirits who were NOT following The Spirit. We'll talk about this too for more clarification.

But if you are not even aware of your human spirit OR that your human spirit may need healing itself, well then you may not have all of the resources that you need to reach your destiny (if that so is your desire and I pray it is).

I've slightly mentioned this in other teachings but in this teaching I'd like to give a more complete introduction. While I aim to lay out the concept, to really understand what I'm saying will take a lifetime but it'll be worth it.

I'll give working examples of how I've experienced the benefits of this revelation (in deliverance ministry). I'll also give resources you can develop a relationship with your human spirit portions - which are just different parts of you.

There is so much more to our lives than just our body-soul existence here on earth. To those that have more of a traditional mindset this may sound like I've gone 'plum loco' but if you read the Bible from this perspective you'll see this 'revelation' has been here since the beginning.

Isaiah 43:19 “See, I am doing what is new, let it now spring forth. Do you not know it? I am even making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Quite often it helps to step back and look at the bigger picture - to see if we can see what Yah/God is doing OR is there something else, some new aspect of His kingdom that He would like us to learn. Because there are always new tools to be discovered as Walk with Yah (WWY) believes that we'll be learning of His Living & Written Word for eternity. We aren't discarding the Old but just building upon it of course.

This will NOT be a light teaching and may take awhile to digest IF you think about it too much OR you can just try it out and see what happens! ;-)

Join us on the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of the month @ 7:30 pm EST on YouTube or Facebook. Please chat your questions and/or comments.

Maybe your miracle could be next!
Deliverance minister & Biblical Advocate

Real People, Real Problems,
Biblical solutions . . . even Supernatural solutions
Blessing Your Spirit (book) by Sylvia Gunter & Arthur Burk

Designed for Fulfillment: A Study on the Redemptive Gifts (spiral bound) by Charles R. Wale, Jr.

Spirit 101 class led by Cynthia Harris

Some pictorial summaries of the human spirit:

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