Rescuing 4 Pomeranians that were dumped on the streets. (By Eldad Hagar)

2 years ago

Rescuing four Pomeranians that were dumped on the streets is an astonishingly important task. Not only is it fulfilling the goal of rescuing and providing shelter to abused animals, but it also promotes the idea of humane treatment of animals all around the world. It takes compassion, dedication, and resourcefulness to be successful in such a pursuit.

On the day of the rescue, the rescuer would need a vehicle of some sort and various other resources to effectively carry out the operation. The rescuer should arrive at the location equipped with blankets, water bowls, treats, and a leash. It is important to find the area of the street where the dogs are most likely bedding down and to have plenty of time to slowly round the pups up without terrifying them. Slowly offering treats and building up trust with the animals will be the best way to contain them in a safe and secure place

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