Stunt on bike fails🤣

2 years ago

Stunts on bikes

Stunts on bikes are a popular form of extreme sports that involve performing a variety of aerial tricks and maneuvers on a specially designed bicycle. These stunts require a high level of skill, balance, and athleticism, as well as specialized equipment such as a BMX bike or mountain bike.

Some common stunts on bikes include:

Wheelies: This involves lifting the front wheel of the bike off the ground and balancing on the rear wheel while riding.

Bunny Hops: This is a trick where the rider jumps with both wheels off the ground at the same time.

360s: This is a spin trick where the rider rotates the bike 360 degrees in the air.

Tailwhips: This involves spinning the back wheel of the bike around while in the air.

Backflips: This is a trick where the rider flips the bike backward while in the air.

Barspins: This involves spinning the handlebars of the bike 360 degrees while in the air.

Performing stunts on a bike can be dangerous and requires extensive training and practice. Riders must wear appropriate safety gear such as helmets, pads, and gloves to protect themselves from injury.

It is important to note that stunts should only be attempted in designated areas, such as skate parks or other areas specifically designed for bike stunts. Attempting stunts on public roads or other areas not meant for this purpose can be dangerous and potentially illegal.

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