Man's desperate plea for help whilst being euthanised by medical tyrants.

1 year ago

Here is a man's desperate plea for help in Adelaide, South Australia, to be freed from a nursing home before he is euthanised. He was forced from his home 3 years ago by the South Australian police who had NO medical or lawful authority to do so because a fake "mental incapacity order" was issued by SACAT (see the video clip of his forced removal at ). For the past 3 years, he has fought through 25 SACAT hearings and through two Supreme Court actions (including the full bench) and he was supposed to be released from the nursing home in December, 2022 to go back to the safety of his home to live and be loving cared for by his daughter, Lorelei, who is trained as a registered carer and is also his next-of-kin.....but instead, the man is being locked up in the nursing home where he is receiving constant abuse and neglect under his appointed Guardian (who was supposed to have allowed him back home the end of last year). There is a "HOME CARE 4" package available to pay $1,000/week for his home care, but the Guardian refuses to take up the package (the package offer has been available since early-January and will expire shortly if it isn't taken up by the Guardian)....but instead, The Guardian is stopping the man from having any visits from family or friends, plus no contact with a phone to the outside world. He is left to rot in his bed with no staff in the nursing home willing to give him exercise or any physiotherapy. The nursing home is trying to continuously drug him up on morphine (using a morphine patch) which, of course, will stop him from eating because it takes away the hunger pangs and also stop him speaking out because it will sedate him into oblivion - he is refusing to take the morphine.

All complaints made to government authorities have been ignored - such as Independent Commission Against Corruption, State Ombudsman, Medical Board, Local MP, State Government MPs, Aged Care Commission, government authority is willing to help him. From the beginning of his forced removal by police in Sept, 2019 with the fake "mental incapacity" order made by SACAT, right up until the current situation, the man has fought like a warrior to reverse the weaponised medical tyranny imposed on him. If he dies, it will be MURDER by all those that have put him in this situation!

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