The un-jabbed burden: The opportunity of all opportunities

1 year ago

In this sermon Rev Kev askes the un-jabbed to accept the burden and the opportunity to lead through change because they have been chosen for this moment.

Those of us that did not take the social conformity injections have demonstrated our credentials as change agents.

Rule followers keep societies cohesive and functioning. We need them. Revolutionaries change societies when there is no other choice. We need them too.

The world functions because most people follow the rules most of the time. They trust the basic foundations and functions of their societies. That is their responsibility.

What they have been struggling to realize, and I cannot blame them, is that our country is no longer functioning. It is managed by a criminal syndicate for the benefit of oligarchs. Believing that requires one to adopt a revolutionary stance against their government and that is a bridge too far for rule followers because that is not their job. That is our job.

I believe we un-jabbed need to be the leaders in the emerging new world because we are the innovators, the revolutionaries. We need to drag the Normies along with us because we love them. We are part of them, and they are part of us. Some will tragically be left behind and that is sad but understandable. It always goes that way.

We must do the heavy lifting because by the nature of our personalities, our given roles as change agents, and by the grace of God we have been chosen for this moment. Leading through change is our burden and our opportunity. It is our responsibility.

We are in the midst of the Fourth Turning to reinvent Western Civilization. You have been chosen to lead the transformation to a better place. We have a sense of that reinvented world because it has always been with us, in our collective memory of what is true and what is real, thus our path is clear. We just need to do it.

What are you doing today to build the new world?

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