Lunchtime Chats Ep 110: The Effects of Cosmic Activity & Planetary Changes

2 years ago

This week's #LunchtimeChats​​​​ topic highlights:

♥ Planetary changes
♥ Escalation of the narratives and the its reflections

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7:38 Planetary changes & cosmic activity- CME’s from the sun and its affect on Earth’s magnetic field & inner layers; Earth’s rotational spin speeding up; Cosmic radiation; Schumann resonance spikes; all leads to transformations; the importance of creation with the multidimensional aspect during this time
15:31 The old systems collapsing vs the new systems arising; how to navigate that transition; the state of survival mode makes creating difficult; reflecting on what you really want
23:12 Intentional communities; creating it from fear vs true vision; trusting our truth compass
28:10 Narratives that are getting heightened to create reaction from us; WW3- Nato, Russia; V$%x mandates; weather anomalies; financial collapse etc; if we react and give power to it, we help anchor those narratives in; narratives are to trigger, not to inform; focusing on how you want to see the world
33:20 Creating from infinite possibilities; aligning your ego with your true desire; how to deal with triggers as a lightworker; how to be an example for others while staying in impeccability
38:55 How truth compass works
41:07 Nature’s solutions eg. Solution to radiation (mushrooms); fungal infection on foods; Food growing & ecosystems, Meteor showers
49:00 Christina’s definition of ascension;
52:00 Earth changes; part of a cycle; we are forced to adapt and be in right relationship with the environment; the control structures collapsing; Pluto’s influence on changes
54:00 Western & Vedic astrology & Pluto; Western astrology in resonance with western culture (colonization); Vedic astrology- the consciousness of the planet; Pluto influence in 2008 & 2020
1:03:20 Closing remarks on triggers, transmutations, and anchoring higher, benevolent consciousness grids


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Christina, the acceleration expert, shares liberated perspective on topics and other issues important to seekers, healers, and way-showers, keeping it real and thought-provoking.

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Lunchtime Chats Purpose: To help others achieve self liberation, how to find your life purpose or soul purpose in life. We want to be a guidepost on how to empower yourself and others, how to awaken to your true power, how to design a life you love, how to be your most authentic self and how to see past illusion.

Lunchtime Chats is a weekly series by Lightbody Academy, where we personally guide others to unwind intuitive blind spots; bring healing and resolution to your lineage and ancestors; sharpen your inner compass and intuitive knowing; utilize dreamtime for personal healing and guidance; and cultivate an interconnected community around you.

Our overall goal is to help others through their ascension journey through training and workshops. If you are a multi-dimensional such as a starseed, lightworker, healer, intuitive, truth-seeker, then you will feel right at home with the Lightbody Academy community.

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Lightbody Academy provides experiential exploration of multi-dimensionality. This approach allows the experiencer to discover the truths from within their spirit that they are ready for at that moment. Wisdom can be known but not told. As that changes and evolves, we guide them through the navigation.

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