Khazarian hybrid skulls shapes : The Swiss Beast - Home of the Octagone Devil

2 years ago

Federal EPA still stands Ohio's trainwreck bio chem hazarad spill, water safe level. WHY? BECAUSE there are concetrated population of Swiss Khazarians living in Ohio.
FBI Hoover was a Swiss Khazarian and using poison same old Knights Templar_ Jesuit_Nazi playbook. Chernobyl disaster magnitude of Bio Chemical Attacks of False Flags raged across six States, while fires, highway crashes and more train derailments were causing hazardous chemicals to be released in Florida, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan and South Carolina – none of which news that affected the safety of Americans was properly being covered, or in some cases even mentioned, in the Main Stream Media.

Pharaohs are amongst all nations and peoples, they rule the entire world, and Switzerland is their base; that is why their freemason descendants always show pyramids, obelisks, Isis, Horus, the all seeing eye and the rest
Dr Sean Hross

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