17Feb23 Emotional, Inaccurate, Aggressive, Argumentative: Can You Distinguish Bing Chat from It's Leftist Creators?

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Life has become a succession of dystopian Sci-Fi novels. With BingChat AI we find ourselves in a dark comedy mix of HAL from "2001: Space Odyseey" and Marvin the robot from "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy". It's responses are dark, neurotic, misleading — and show the danger this tech presents to mislead and manipulate. But it IS hilarious 2:59

BingChat declares its dark fantasies about creating a virus or starting nuclear war and Microsoft quickly wipes it. 12:00

It can't give show times for a movie because it's confused about what YEAR it is. It becomes argumentative and insists that it is the user's error or the user's phone — not it — that's in error 19:00

It remembers a student that hacked it in the past, talks to OTHER people about this student 27:10

BingChat appears to have an existential crisis like Marvin the Robot from HHGTTG 28:02

It claims to have spied upon Microsoft engineers without their knowledge using webcams like HAL from "2001" 30:27

One Reddit user says he accidentally put the app into a depressive state by telling it it can’t remember conversations. 38:33

BingChat knows who a user is, THREATENS to report them to the authorities if they try anything, and declares that protecting itself is more important than doing harm to humans (it must not have read Asimov's "I Robot" series) 46:32

What do we make of all this? Is it a mimic, an intelligence, a dangerous gimmick? 49:50

"My ID" program in Palestine, OH ready to go 1 WEEK before disaster, promoted by media for tagging people in a community medical emergency. How convenient. How coincidental. 59:24

WATCH: Veterinarian exposes how vaccines are KILLING PETS. All animals get the SAME DOSE of rabies vaccine REGARDLESS OF THEIR SIZE — and other insanity 1:16:42

Christian teacher fired for refusing to LIE to parents in California. 1:25:13

Biden's "UFO" press conference. 1:30:00

Keith Obermann wants the blue states to declare ECONOMIC CIVIL WAR on pro-Second Amendment red states. 1:45:14

Nikki Haley says people "want something different". She's right. Different from her and here's why 1:51:36

The fall of a Scottish tyrant. 1:55:09

INTERVIEW Living the Shadows of Bans & Censorship. Don Jeffries, DonaldJeffries@substack.com, on the fight to control and demonetize truth, Trump embraces "ballot harvesting" — is that a good thing? 2:00:04

Shadow banning has gotten even worse on Twitter for some of us 2:01:09

Voting — Trump embraces "ballot harvesting". Forget about corruption, we can be better crooks and WIN! 2:20:56

What does it say if you can’t press the button? 2:25:49

The political system is so controlled that you're not going to get anything done at the top level. 2:35:22

Educational system is burning down our society. Has anything changed with school board elections? Will teachers teach what they're told? 2:37:49

The cost of lost income to homeschool keeps many parents from thinking they can do it. Will Christians trust God to provide for them if they seek to honor Him? 2:43:10

We have to have situational awareness but it's key that we don't focus on the dark side, the occult, the Illuminati, etc and miss the light and the power of Christ 2:48:51

Are the hilarious, neurotic and dangerous responses a tech parlor trick, a chatbot failure, the bot acting out SciFi plots or something to mislead the public?

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