Attention! Focus on Solutions & Conscious Creations

1 year ago

Attention! Focus on Solutions & Conscious Creations with Michelle Marie Angel --
We create with our attention. Our energy goes into the vision, or images, that we are focusing on. We are now realizing, as conscious creators, that we are creating with the power of our attention to the images that we focus on. “Energy flows where attention goes.”
Now that we know what powerful creators we are, we are learning to focus on solutions and our dreams come true, for ourselves, our loved ones, and our world.
Read more about Conscious Creation in Michelle’s books. (1) It IS A New World After All: Poetry & Prose to Inspire A New World Vision, (2) Live Love: Master Vision & Vibration to Create A Better World, and (3) Forever Free: Soul Liberation with the Holy Spirit of Truth
LINKS TO AMAZON, BARNES & NOBLE, AND BALBOA PRESS (and more!) found on Michelle’s 3 websites:
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