Revelation | Pt. 20 - The False Prophet & The Mark Of The Beast | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

2 years ago

Antichrist = Political Leader
False Prophet = Religious Leader
antichrist and antichrists
1 John 2:18
Enters the World Stage riding on a white horse with no bow - peace
Not royalty
He is a man not a woman
Fairly certain he is Jewish and likely from the tribe of Dan
Looks good on the outside but is a monster on the inside
Copycat of the Christ
Assassination attempt and raised back to life by the False Prophet
Greek wording same as the lamb that was slain
This fills the world with wonder
Imagine watching it on TV
When he recovers though his injury is still visible (Zechariah)
Right brain injury would cause left arm to be paralyzed
Yet this recovery is so fantastic it causes people to worship him
Characteristics Of The Antichrist
Anti = means against but also instead of
Unholy Trinity
We are to look for Christ not the coming of the Antichrist
He has a partner
False Prophet
False Prophet is named in Revelation 16:13 & Revelation 19:20
Revelation 13:11-18
Earth = Worldly not heavenly
Like a lamb but spoke like a dragon
Points people to worship the first beast
Signs = Fire from heaven like Elijah
Involved with the resurrection of the Antichrist
No crown on his head = spiritual authority
False Prophet
1. Purpose - Draw attention to the Antichrist
2. Power - Miraculous
3. Plan - Mark of the Beast
This False Prophet is a great deceiver
Deceived by signs and the economy will be his means for implementing this one world religion
Things will be so bad that people will do anything to feed their families
Everyone will worship the image of the beast
Revelation 13:14-15
What is that?
Life = Bios
Breath = Pneuma
What We Know About The Image Of The Beast
1. All will be ordered to setup an image of the Antichrist (13:14)
2. The False Prophet will give breath (life) to the image so it can speak (13:15)
3. The image will be an object of mandatory worship (13:15)
Image = Some kind of idol that represents the Antichrist
Mark is singular but everyone will have to have it meaning its plural which could be the same with image
Possible that Satan's demons possess these idols and infest these idols
Idols are lifeless but they become means for worshipping demons
Wouldn't be the first time
1st Corinthians 10:19-21
The False Prophet will manage to create a one world religion
Coexist Bumper Stickers
Fashionable but not Biblical
How is the False Prophet going to get Muslims and Jews to worship the mage of the beast?
Have you thought about that?
Show you something interesting
Daniel 2
Revelation 13:1-2
7 heads and 10 horns
7 = 7 Empires that persecute the nation of Israel
1. Egypt
2. Assyria
3. Babylon
4. Persia
5. Greece
6. Rome
7. Future Empire consisting of 10 horns
Resembled a leopard, bear and lion
Daniel 7
4 Beasts = 4 Kingdoms & 4 Kings
1. Lion w/Eagle Wings = Babylonian Empire (Fierce)
2. Bear = Persian Empire (Strong)
3. Leopard = Grecian Empire (Swift)
4. 10 Horns = Roman Empire (revivised)
Daniel 2:31-45
Head of Gold = Babylon
Breast & Arms of silver = Persian
Belly & Thighs of Bronze = Grecian
Legs of Iron = Roman Empire
10 toes of Iron mixed w/clay = Revived Roman Empire; future Empire = Northern Africa, Middle East & Europe
60% of the Roman Empire today is controlled by Muslims
Fastest growing religion is Islam
Islam will pass Christianity as world's largest religion in 20 years
Eschatology of Islam
3 Great Signs
1. Mahdi = Messiah
Guided One
Just like the Jews the Muslims are looking for a coming Messiah
Setup an Islamic Caliphate
Mahdi will make a 7 year peace agreement with the Jews
Ride in on a White Horse
2. Jesus will return
Jesus didn't die
Jesus comes back to correct Christians and shatter crosses
3. Dajale
The Deceiver
Protects the Jewish people from the Mahdi
Islam Eschatology vs. Christian Eschatology
1. Islamic Savior is Christian Antichrist
2. Islamic Jesus is Christian False Prophet
3. Islamic Deceiver is Christian Savior
I share this because both the Jews & Muslims are looking for Messiah
They will fall for the Antichrist because of the deception of the False prophet
The revised Roman Empire is dominated by Islam
There is a move to reconcile the children of Abraham
Coexist is worshipping the same God together
Deception is on the rise
It's important to know the real deal
Test the spirits
Story of dog who died on the airplane
Mark of the Beast
6 = man
6th day = humanity
No worship = No mark
No mark = No buying or selling
No buying or selling = mo life
Chips on CC
2020 divided by Biden campaign number = 0.666
Ronald Wilson Reagan
Internet = www = Hebrew equivalent 666
Past antichrists
Martin Luher
Abraham Lincoln
Saddam hussein
Osama Bin Laden
Quote from one of the early Church Fathers
Irenaeus of Lyons (180AD) said, "It is therefore more certain, and less hazardous, to await the fulfillment of the prophecy, than to be making surmises, and casting about for any names that may present themselves."

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