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Calm in the Storm | Calvary of Tampa Rewind with Pastor Jesse Martinez
Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE Midweek Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez
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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.
(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
let's take our Bibles and go to the Book
of Mark in chapter 4.
we're going to look at a historical
account tonight where Jesus calms the
storm and I want to just pull some
things that we can learn from
that's the title of our study tonight
calm in the storm what a cool looking
thumbnail right wow that's really cool
yeah Mark chapter four
Mark is one of the shortest gospels but
ironically it actually contains a lot of
more information
there's there's a lot of things that are
written in the Book of Mark that are not
necessarily written in all the other
gospels but we can learn a lot from The
Book of Mark it portrays Jesus as the
servant okay and you can look at all
four of the gospels and you can see
different portrayals but you see a lot
of the words straightway immediately
went out things like that to describe
the actions of Christ but what we're
going to look at tonight is a study of
Jesus stilling the storm
and I want to draw some comparisons here
today is a topical study where we'll
look at an account and see contextually
what happened here what can we learn
from it in the direct interpretation and
then in practical application what can
we learn from this and now apply to our
so Mark 4 verses 35-41 retells the story
of the disciples in Jesus as they were
caught in the midst of a raging Storm
while at sea much can be gleaned from
this historical account and the
Practical applications are helpful for
disciples today
I cut a cringe when I use that language
because it's so abused right now
disciples Christ followers things like
that it's just really misused today and
I see it all over the place people call
themselves disciples yet they have no
idea where they're going when they die
and it's so very important to remember
that Judas was a disciple of Christ
yet he did not believe on him unto
eternal life
so you can be a Christ follower and not
be saved
I mean the lost man can do everything
that the saved man does goes to church
loves his wife takes care of his kids is
financially responsible is faithful and
in his marriage
gives money is disciplined all these
different things yet what it all boils
down to is
who are you trusting in to pay for your
sin debt
and so we can deceive ourselves
sometimes if we just think that you know
good works are enough to get to heaven
but there is something to be gleaned
here from day four people who are
following the Lord and I'm talking
specifically about those who have
already put their faith in Christ
I remember learning this when I was uh
preparing the Life of Christ I was
actually thrown into that class there
were some things that happened and
someone had to teach that class and I
hastily said sure I'll take on a a three
hour a three credit hour class
boy I learned a lot
um at the expense of some mistakes but I
learned a lot I'm looking forward to
teaching that class for the third time
coming up soon I hope because there's a
lot that I've refined in it but I
remember learning this when I was
studying for this class and mind you I
had already taken the class before but
much like a student sometimes it was in
one ear and out the other
I don't think that's a good thing but it
just was the way that it was so I was I
was as I Was preparing I looked at this
and I remembered wow what an impactful
story that is told here so let's take a
look at the the scripture
and then we'll talk about the direct app
the direct interpretation and then some
things we can glean from it starts in
verse 35 by the way Jesus had just gone
through some extensive Parables about
faith this is where this is the chapter
where he talks about the parable of the
Mustard Seed Faith the size of a mustard
seed all these different things and he's
going through all this and then he makes
the statement in verse 35
in the same day so right after all this
had been done
in the evening or it says when the even
but this is when the afternoon is past
the evening has started he saith unto
them let us pass over unto the other
and when they had sent away the
multitude they took him even as he was
in the ship and they were also with him
other Little Ships so they're all in a
little boat here
sun is getting ready to set Jesus is
like let's go over to the other side all
those who were on the bank watching and
listening to him they've now dispersed
and the disciples are kind of wrapping
up and they're they're going to the
other side for some reason
but that was the instruction that was
verse 37 is interesting to see this is
where the story changes and the problem
is now presented and when they had sent
away the multitude sorry verse 37 and
there arose a great storm of wind and
the waves beat into the ship so it was
now full okay it wasn't full of wind
all right it was full of water and
that's what you want to stay outside of
the boat
very important when you're in a canoe
water outside Dry inside if that's ever
you have a problem
so that it was now full verse 38 and he
was in the hinder part of the ship
asleep on a pillow and they presumably
this is the disciples awake him and say
unto him Master carest thou not that we
and he arose and rebuked the wind and
set unto the sea peace be still
and the great wind are and the wind
ceased and there was a great calm and he
said unto them why are ye so fearful how
is it that ye have no faith
and they feared exceedingly
and said one to another what manner of
man is this that even the wind and the
Sea obey him now you got to remember
this is early on
in these disciples Faith Journey this is
their their learning they've been called
by Jesus to follow him and so they've
done that they have been following him
not for a long time just a little bit of
time and all of a sudden now this event
happens I'm sure if you were in the same
the Panic to panic the fear in one thing
to fear in another thing is logical and
Justified here you are you're in a boat
and all of a sudden it gets a little
Rocky and now it gets so Rocky that you
are about to go under
and the guy who you're following the one
who has told you to get in the boat and
go to the other side he's knocked out
he's asleep
and now you're there's so much concern
for your life and then he says peace be
still to the elements no one has control
like that you can even ask Dennis
Phillips the greatest meteorologist in
this area
he does not have control
he does not have control of the weather
yet Jesus does and he rebukes the storm
and that's the language that's used
and the storm obeys it dissipates and so
much so that whatever raging intensity
that was there is the exact opposite and
there's a great calm I would even say
maybe the ripples were removed from the
and he says something to the disciples
we see it there in verse 40. why are you
so fearful how is it that ye have no
and you would think maybe the disciples
would be like
oh it's nice you know like hey we're not
dying anymore we're not in a storm
anymore but look at that verse 41.
they feared exceedingly
they were even more afraid
than when they were in the storm
why because they had just witnessed the
power of God
in the man Jesus Christ
and that's exactly what the scripture
says they said one to another I wonder
if they had done the old you know don't
talk loud enough
that he can hear you
I wonder who would have said that
I wish somebody may have said did you
just see what he did to the storm I'm
sure you can hear us you know like
but they but they kind of spoke amongst
themselves and they said what manner of
man is this
this is the equivalent of our discussion
today who is this
who what where is he from what power
does he have what command does he have
on display and they even said that even
the wind and the Sea obey him they had
just heard Jesus they have been here in
Jesus give great lectures great
discussions Parables they're hearing the
translation of these Parables they're
seeing him do Miracles and then they see
this he literally rescues them from
certain death
and they're they're in reverential awe
of his power
so what can we learn from this well
there's a couple of things three things
primarily I want you to look there in
verse 37.
and there arose a great storm of wind
and the waves beat the ship so that it
was now full
this is what you call a change of
circumstances and this happens all the
time if you ever take a navigational app
and it takes you in different places
there's undoubtedly if you're making a
long trip let's say an eight or ten hour
trip there's going to be some type of
blockage on the roadway or something has
changed and this app will say hey the
route has changed and here's a new route
and you can click on the little screen
it'll take you in the new way but if
you're using Apple Maps or some other
absolutely poor navigational service
you'll find that you just get you just
stumble onto these things I'll never
forget one time we were driving back
from Texas Camp and I'm driving a Giant
RV of which I should not have been doing
but I don't know
why I I was totally legally able to do
it but should I have done it you know
no probably not and I remember we were
absolutely at a standstill on the
I mean for probably an hour we didn't
move anywhere we parked the RV in the
middle of the road everybody else
wandering around outside and come to
find out there's a huge accident on I-10
that just made everything come to a
standstill that would have been really
nice to avoid that so that we didn't
have to be the one RV that had to have
problems starting up again when the
traffic is Flowing would have been nice
to know but we didn't in our
circumstances changed and this is very
similar to what the disciples
experienced they they were getting in
the boat they knew they were going to
one place and all of a sudden everything
and then when they run to the person to
whom they think would have the ability
to do something about it that now let me
tell you I don't think they thought he
would calm the sea
because when he did they were like whoa
so they were looking for something
let's get out of here let's swim to the
shore I'm not sure what it is we
shouldn't infer but I definitely don't
think they were looking for the sea to
be calmed and he was in the look at the
next verse here and he was in the hinder
part of the ship asleep on a pillow
what is this this is a supposed now they
have a lack of confidence in their
and it all culminated in verse 30 or at
the end of verse 38. Master Charis thou
not that we perish
this folks is doubt
this is doubt the disciples doubted
Jesus concern for their lives and I want
you to see the path to that decision the
circumstances change
there's a lack of confidence in the
leader and then the doubt comes
the tendency for this to happen is in
the heart of everybody
who follows the Lord for those who have
put their faith in Christ there's a
tendency in the heart of every person
here's how it goes
we have a certain expectation of how our
lives will be
then things change
and we didn't plan for that
when the change comes we panic and we
Marvel at the change in circumstance we
say I can't believe it
really right now
I don't I I can't deal with this is
crazy this is overwhelming
this leads to doubt anger and
uncontrolled fear I have spoken with
we're literally in the manner in a
matter of moments their entire
desposition changes their entire
countenance morphs it's almost to an
extent disturbing to see how powerful
fear is over a person
if you're not careful you can look at
what's going on in our airspace in the
united states in the United States and
stuff is out of control
but this is what happens when we're
looking to our circumstances to inform
how we serve the Lord
but I want you to see verse 35. this is
what I found in my studies that just
really blew my mind what does Jesus say
let us pass over unto the other side
regardless of what happened on the
journey they get to the other side they
were going to pass over
he had already set the expectation and
they were probably like yep all right
let's get in shotgun I don't think you
have shotgun on a boat
not sure
definitely have shotgun in an RV
but they were just went about their way
all right we're going over here but as
soon as the circumstances changed verse
35 is like was never said
and they look at him and they're like
don't you care we're gonna die hello
what are we doing why are we in this
Jesus had already told the disciples
that they would pass over to the other
however because they did not trust him
and you see that there in verse 30 and
verse 40. why are you so fearful
how is it that ye have no faith now this
doesn't mean they had no faith in him
for eternal life but for the current
situation they did not trust that he was
going to do what he said he was going to
do let us pass over to the other side
it's remarkable because you see the
other side
was waiting them in chapter five was the
demon-possessed man
in Galleria
which is crazy you know that story
how he had the demons cast out of him
believed on the Lord and then was used
in a Great and Mighty way
they're passing over to that side to
that story that was coming up next
but boy there was a big disruption in
the plan no doubt I think this was
planned to test them
teach them a lesson and then we can have
practical application from this as well
I want you to take your Bibles you can
let this story go and I want you to look
at Romans chapter 5.
for those of you that are Bible students
maybe you're taking notes of my sermons
you'll see we've been in Romans chapter
5 a lot and uh that's there's a reason
for that folks it teaches Romans is a
it's it's a doctrinal book I mean you
can say that about every book of the
Bible but Romans is just
soteriology to the max the study of
and we've studied uh Romans chapter five
we've looked at verse one we've looked
at verse two but you know there's more
verses in that chapter
and it says here in verse 3 after it
talks about how we're justified by faith
verse two where we we stand in this
grace and we rejoice in the hope and of
the glory of God verse 3 says and not
only so this is the equivalent of the
ShamWow Guy saying but wait there's more
okay it doesn't stop with the the the
joy of where we stand
there's going to be some work to come
I remember the very first time that I
rode a roller coaster it was guasi so
you can understand why I might be a
little messed up in the head that that
roller coaster is terrible I would not
put anybody on that but my dad thought
that was a good one to force me on to
and I remember I was so scared and and
when because I was scared about the top
where you know
where you you drop down and all of a
sudden your stomach is left at the top
and I I really thought I was gonna die I
think I exclaimed that a couple of times
I was like a 14 year old which is so
embarrassing thank goodness there was no
social media no one was putting me on
insta chat or snap book or whatever
and all of a sudden I got to the top and
as soon as that drop happened exactly
what I thought was going to happen man
my stomach left I was fearful
I think a lot of times people are the
same way they're like yeah I got my
faith in Christ everything is good but
as soon as the floor drops out we're
like how could God let this happen
and we're panicking as if we never
expected this but look at what the
scripture says
and not only so
but we glory in tribulations also
knowing that tribulation worketh
and patience experience which is one of
the greatest badges that you can earn is
and experience hope and hope maketh not
a shame because the love of God is shed
abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost
which is given to us look in First Peter
chapter one
First Peter chapter one
start there in verse 6.
First Peter chapter 1 and verse 6
wherein ye greatly Rejoice huh
where are we going to rejoice in though
now for a season if need be ye are in
heaviness through manifold Temptations
though now for a season if need be you
are in a storm
don't be surprised that God has come
through that
because he's already spoken the truth to
what if the storm comes and and it just
totally devours you
does it take your eternal life
does it change the position of where you
are in Christ
I want you to see folks there Peter
describes it in the very beginning for a
season it's temporary I know us
Floridians don't get that
but everywhere else in the United States
they understand Seasons they only last
for a little bit
and we know from First Corinthians
chapter 10 that there's always a way to
and I think that's primarily a mindset
that we can we can believe on the truth
and we escape our circumstances in that
way not that we're absent but that we
know the truth of what's happening there
is some purpose to this and God I'm
going to trust you to walk me through it
look what it says in verse 7 that the
trial of your faith being much more
precious and of gold that perisheth
though it be tried with fire might be
found into the praise honor and Glory at
the appearing of Jesus Christ
the the trials and the testings that you
are going through is not because God
woke up on the wrong side of the bed
it's not because you forgot one day to
say a certain prayer that's not how it
works God is asking you do you trust me
walk with me
the Lord is my shepherd I shall not
want. that doesn't mean you that that
you don't want him that improper
understanding you'll have need of
you already have him
I need more money who made the money
I need a little bit more of that paper
that uh is only backed up by gold which
by the way check that out it ain't true
guys you know what we're going to be
doing with gold walking on it
we're killing each other over it today
it'll literally be a foundational
Building Material in heaven
look in chapter four
look in chapter 4 of First Peter in
verse 12.
beloved think it not strange concerning
the fiery trial which is to try you whoa
boy if we LED with the Christian life
like that
if we have more worship songs that
talked about that
people would probably go hmm I don't
maybe that's for somebody else folks
this is the Christian Life
it's not strange that you go through
difficult times the world hates you
there are people that hate you
and want to make it difficult God is
asking you to walk through it as though
some of as though some strange thing
happened to you verse 13 but rejoice
I have yet to see someone Rejoice like
thank you Lord for saving my soul
that's not rejoicing
there's a problem when that happens
but Rejoice why isn't it nice the Bible
doesn't say because I said so
in as much as ye are partakers of
Christ's sufferings
that when his glory shall be revealed ye
may be glad also with exceeding Joy
he's not asking you to walk through
something that he has not already walked
through can you think of the pain of the
can that take a moment to grab onto your
mind and think about what the Lord
experienced for us
he didn't say a word he was
not in a sense that he lacked knowledge
but he was silent
the very ones who smote him he then
later paid for their sin
the Roman guards could see it
people of Christ's day could see it
we can partake in that suffering with
look in Hebrews chapter
Hebrews chapter 4
in verse
seeing then
that we have a great high priest
that is passed into the heavens
Jesus the son of God
let us hold fast our profession
let us hold fast our convictions
the Christian Life
for we have not in high priest which
cannot be touched with the feeling of
our infirmities but was in all points
tempted like as we are yet without sin
you know what that means we can look in
the face of our savior and know when he
says I know how you feel I have been
through what you have been through that
he is not saying it to merely Comfort us
he has walked through what we have
walked through and he was found without
any sin we're going to talk about this
at length on Sunday morning
but for the point here in verse 16 let
us therefore if you see that therefore
it's good to know what it's there for
and the reason is
because of the high priest because of
the function and that he he has he has
never sinned he's sinless
we can come boldly unto the throne of
grace that we may obtain Mercy
and find Grace to help in time of need
you remember as a kid I'm sure you do
I'm sure you remember as a kid when
unfortunate befell you
and all you could do is just run into
your parents room run and find your
parents you cry out for him you're just
looking for them because you need them
they know the answers they love you they
care for you and you're you're looking
for their arms you're looking for their
that's coming boldly into the throne
you don't have to take a number this is
something where uh if you're good enough
you'll be heard God's your father
you can run to him and know that he's
right there maybe some hard truths you
have to learn because of some choices
that you've made but he's not gonna
reject you
it informs the sufferings it informs all
the things that we go through this is
not just some storm that came up like I
said because God is having a bad day
he's already said we're going over to
the other side
he's put it all down in front of you
you've got that position in Christ right
the calm and the storm is not
necessarily having the storm calmed
it's rest in his word and what he said
that's the difference
close your Bibles as I make this last
point I made this in class today and
it's one of those moments
as a teacher sometimes you're teaching
and you are impressed with something
that the holy spirit gives you if you
remember the four talks I talk
for uh God talks no yeah God talks to me
Bible study I talk to God prayer I talk
to believers
fellowship with the body of Christ and I
talk to the Lost
I was teaching that today and I
separated these things and saw
they all have to do with Christ
God talks to me how does he do that
through the word and what do we know
about the word the word was made flesh
and dwelts Among Us
that's Christ you study your Bible
That's study in Christ
I talk to God
that's in prayer and who mediates our
and the Holy Spirit says the things that
we're not getting right or can't even
come to speak
I talk with other believers
what are other believers the body of
so then there's one
that sits on the outside of that
and I talk to the Lost
that's sharing Christ
it's all Jesus folks I made the
statement in class today I am where I am
because I've learned the in the
importance of these four principles
every week I look at how I did in these
four areas
but it's all studying and knowing Christ
you want to have peace you want to have
you want to be able to have a joyful
countenance when the circumstance are
dire and horrendous
read the word know the word and do what
the word says
you'll have peace Beyond understanding
people will Marvel at how calm and
unconcerned you seem to be
you know the one who knows it all
but it's so very easy for us to become
diluted to that is it not
or surrounded by technology we're
surrounded by options
AI is getting so Advanced you can
literally ask it a question and it will
write a thesis statement for you
I kid you not that
there's a lot of things coming on the
horizon here software coders and
different things like that
they're going to be coated out of a job
do we trust AI because it's got all this
surely it must be right you find out AI
is as woke as everything else
we're not to trust the world and its
system we trust God
we trust the Lord
you think there's something that gets up
gets him up there I've said it before
where he goes like this whoa didn't see
that coming
there's nothing that catches him by
not even chat GPT
thank you
or a spy balloon
none of that is a surprise to him
we need to learn to trust him as a child
trusts their father
so we trust the Lord amen
this hand represents you and me my
wallet represents sin I put on top of my
hand because the Bible says for all the
sin and come short of the glory of God
the Bible says the wages of sin is death
Eternal separation from God forever in a
place called hell
in order to get to heaven you have to be
perfect just like God without any sin we
all fall short there's no amount of
turning over a new Leaf doing good works
giving our best that could ever pay for
sin somebody's got to die for it we
can't earn eternal life by any good
works this hand represents Jesus Christ
God's only begotten son fully God and
fully man
second Corinthians 5 21 says that he
became sin for us who knew no sin that
we might be made the righteousness of
God in him
when Jesus Christ died on the cross he
paid for our sin past present and future
he died and rose again
and all that you have to do to have
Assurance of Heaven is put your faith in
him for God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten son that
whosoever believeth in him should not
perish but have everlasting life
once you put your faith in Jesus Christ
you have exactly what the Bible says you
have eternal life you can never lose it
he'll never forsake you
the question now becomes how obedient
will you be
if you're obedient you'll be blessed if
you're disobedient the loving hand of
God will chasten you but hell is never
on the table again
and so we can trust the Lord regardless
of the chaos that the world descends
into we can trust him so the question is
will you trust him
let's put our heads down and let's go to
the Lord in prayer
for those that are watching on the
internet if that made sense to you
tonight and you put your faith in Christ
please let us know we'd love to hear and
and support you in any way that we can
for those in the audience I pray you can
see the the value of that you know just
those those six verses that we looked at
in mark
we can see so much and glean so much
we also see those very assuring verses
in Romans and in First Peter and in
Hebrews about trials that will come but
we have Deliverance in Christ
we're not trusting in somebody who's
never done it before
he did everything and had no sin
father thank you so much for the comfort
of your word I pray that you come
bless the choir practice to follow and
bring us back here safely for all the
events this week we pray for all the
Ministries at Calvary in Jesus name we
pray these things amen
don't forget if you haven't done it
already get on Google type in Calvary
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