Joe Biden’s Latest Speech of Lies and the Real State of the Union - Matt Couch & Rob Maness EP 168

2 years ago

Joe Biden has a problem with the truth, and that's a fact, Jack! He's always been that way, but now that he is President, the harm he is causing is increasing exponentially, and Americans are hurting.
When we listened to his latest lies spewed at the SOTU, it is obvious he and the DC elites don't have a clue what we are going through.

Most of us are maxed out on credit cards and living paycheck to paycheck.

The economy is not getting better, and there certainly aren't 12 million new jobs (once again, those were re-hires from the government-created lockdowns).

The border is not secure unless you're Joe Biden, who just legalized the entry of a bunch of really bad people from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua to make his numbers look good.

No, while we are getting poorer, the DC elites and their government employees just get richer and richer.

My friend Matt Couch, editor of the DC Patriot and all-around rabble-rouser, joins me today to do a little analysis of Joey's lies and, I'm sure, some other fun stuff!

Watch the full interview - UNCENSORED:

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