My SWOLA [02-05-2023] Rythem Guitar(L&R) PLUS, Olas drums from 2 weeks ago.

2 years ago

Edited by VideoGuru:

my complete, sincerest apologies everyone. Spine/Back literally went out on me the day (This past Saturday) when I was going to finish this section, and load it up for all of you amazing, fine folks. But, life hit me hahaha literally...That has also delayed the launch official launch of our website and app. As for now, just use our website and if you'd like a version of our APP now (Android only ATM) please, email Michael "Twy7ch" and he'll email a temporary link for the App.

really hope you enjoy this take of what I heard on Olas Drums....will be doing this helluva more this year!! was loads of fun!

--my links--

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