APROTII T15B FM Transmitter. Let's check out this great little transmitter, and Give It Away!!

3 years ago

I am super happy to announce the 4th Radio giveaway here on the channel!
The kind folks over a APROTII reached out to me and asked if I'd like to review a transmitter for them. I checked it out and decided I liked it enough to buy a second one. That means we will be giving away 2 of these over the next few months.
This unit is packed with modern features. Adjustable power out from .75 watts up to 15 Watts! It has a usb input for people that want to broadcast with out any hassle. Simply pack a USB full of music, sermons, old radio shows, or whatever you like and plug it in. Totally automated!.
If you'd like to use it for church, it has a line in for a mixer board, or a mic input for direct broadcasting. The included antenna can be used right from the back of the unit, or can attach to the also included mag mount and can be remotely located to get a better signal. Best of all this powerful 15 Watt transmitter is FCC-approved! FCC ID:2AQIX-T15B

So, I want to give this away to one of you! I'll do so on Saturday February 13th during a live show here on the channel.
To enter, Simply leave a detailed comment as to why you think you should be the winner. I'd love to know what great ideas you have for turning this thing into a way to keep your community informed. I'll take the top 25 comments, print those names and my wife will draw a winner from our "Official" Farpoint farms mug.

Thanks to all of you, and thanks to APROTII for sending me this first unit to review. If you can't wait to get a station of your own, please feel free to follow this link to get one today:

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