Ryobi One + 150 Watt Inverter, If you already have Ryobi Tools, The Inverter Is A Perfect Option.

4 years ago

For the last 10 months I've been moving more and more towards a fully off grid lifestyle. That journey has included adding both large and small solar arrays here on the property as well as looking into more and more "Grid down" options to keep me informed once the power goes down.
When I cam across this at such an insane price, I knew I had to have it. It is perfect for powering low wattage devices as well as for camping. It will recharge a laptop, or cell phone with ease. it will power a string of LED lights for hours and hours, and I've used it to power my Internet Router as well.
It's ultra compact designed and the fact that it uses Ryobi 18 Volt One + batteries made a perfect addition to my supplies.

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