THE PLANS FOR A FAKE ALIEN INVASION - Could they really pull this off?

2 years ago

William Cooper from his 1991 book , "Behold a Pale Horse", claimed that secret groups within the US Government have designed their own flying saucer technology and are planning to launch a staged Alien Invasion to create a One World Government. This plan goes back more than 100 years ago.

This fake alien invasion will be the final card to usher in the New World Order - One World Government.

Wernher Von Braun - German American Aerospace Engineer, called "Father of Space Travel" told Carol Rosin that she would stop the weaponization of space. He went on to tell her the evil empires plans.

This was from a former Nazi who was saved from Nuremburg Trials by the American from Operation Paperclip, who was brought to USA to work for what was the true Undercover, Covert Evil Empire.

So, if a former high valued German Nazi V-2 Rocket Scientist thinks our Gov was evil, it must be pretty bad.

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