FBI Tracking Unvaccinated Teachers With Fingerprints; Canada Pushes for Digital IDs

2 years ago

Feb 15, 2023
Source: www.theepochtimes.com/fbi-tracking-unvaccinated-teachers-with-fingerprints-canada-pushes-for-digital-ids_5058136.html

Teachers in New York City who refused to get their COVID-19 vaccines were allegedly flagged with “problem codes” in their personal files. This information, along with their fingerprints, is then sent to the FBI and the New York Criminal Justice Services. A court case arguing for NYC workers who declined the vaccines is now raising concerns over these codes and what the FBI database could mean for their futures.

Meanwhile, there is a global push for digital IDs and new censorship laws, and Canada is now attempting to implement policies on both of these. The move is raising concerns not just for Canadians, but also for Americans who may soon witness the impact of such policies.

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