3 EASY Shortcuts for your HomePod! Get the most out of your HomePods!

4 years ago

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Take advantage of automations and shortcuts from your HomePod! In this video we'll discuss 3 EASY ways you can use shortcuts to get the most out of your HomePod or HomePod Mini!


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🏠 Recommended HomeKit Products:

Products Seen in Video:
Apple HomePod: https://geni.us/HomePod
Apple HomePod Mini: https://geni.us/HomePodMini1
Signals For HomeKit app: https://geni.us/SignalsApp

NOTE: This description contains affiliate links that allow you to find the items mentioned in this video at no cost to you. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

0:00 Overview
1:12 Whisper Mode?
3:28 Flash Your Lights (w/ Signals App)
11:02 SkillShare
12:35 Conversational Shortcuts (Choose from Menu)
17:15 Join Us!


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