Historical Biggest Explosions Ever Caught on Camera

2 years ago

#TsarBomba - The most powerful #nuclearweapon ever #detonated, with an estimated yield of 50 megatons, tested by the #SovietUnion in #1961.

#CastleBravo - The largest nuclear weapon ever tested by the #UnitedStates, with a yield of 15 megatons, in #1954.

#Chicxulub impact - The #asteroid #impact that led to the #extinction of the #dinosaurs 65 million years ago, with an estimated energy equivalent to 100 teratons of TNT.

T#unguskaevent - An #explosion that occurred over a remote area in #Siberia in 1908, with an estimated energy equivalent to 3-15 megatons of TNT.

#HalifaxExplosion - A ship collision in 1917 that caused a massive explosion in the harbor of #Halifax, #NovaScotia, with an estimated energy equivalent to 2.9 kilotons of TNT.

#TexasCityDisaster - An explosion of a ship carrying #ammoniumnitratefertilizer in 1947, with an estimated energy equivalent to 2.7 kilotons of TNT.

#Oppauexplosion - A fertilizer plant explosion in #Germany in 1921, with an estimated energy equivalent to 1.1 kilotons of TNT.

#BeirutExplosion - A warehouse explosion in the port of #Beirut, #Lebanon, in 2020, with an estimated energy equivalent to 1.1 kilotons of TNT.

#PortChicagoDisaster - An explosion of a ship carrying munitions in #California in 1944, with an estimated energy equivalent to 1.0 kilotons of TNT.

#TianjinExplosion - A #chemicalplant explosion in #Tianjin, #China, in 2015, with an estimated energy equivalent to 800 tons of TNT.

#HalifaxExplosion of 1917 - A #shipcollision in #Halifax, #NovaScotia, that caused a #massiveexplosion in the #harbor with an estimated energy equivalent to 2.9 kilotons of TNT.

#DeepwaterHorizonExplosion - An explosion on an offshore oil rig in the Gulf of #Mexico in 2010, with an estimated energy equivalent to 15,000 tons of TNT.

#BhopalDisaster - A gas leak from a #pesticideplant in #India in 1984, with an estimated energy equivalent to 30 tons of TNT.

#Buncefieldoildepotexplosion - A series of explosions at an oil storage depot in the #UnitedKingdom in 2005, with an estimated energy equivalent to 2.4 tons of TNT.

#ChernobylDisaster - A nuclear power plant explosion in #Ukraine in 1986, with an estimated energy equivalent to 500 tons of TNT.

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