[TAS] Doom 64 - Staging Area - Stage 1 (Nintendo 64)

1 year ago

Tool-assisted speedrun (TAS) is a method of playing and completing a video game as quickly as possible, using tools and strategies that are not possible or practical in a traditional playthrough. In a TAS, the player uses emulation software and input recording tools to manipulate the game's controls in precise ways that can achieve faster completion times than humanly possible.

TAS is typically used for games with a high skill ceiling or that require an exceptional level of precision and timing. The tools used in a TAS include input recording software, which allows the player to record and manipulate controller inputs frame-by-frame, and emulator software, which enables the player to run the game at slower speeds to carefully plan each input. These tools are used to create a sequence of inputs that can achieve the fastest possible completion time for the game.

TAS runs can showcase a level of skill and strategy that is beyond what can be achieved by human players, but they are not considered legitimate records in the speedrunning community. This is because the inputs used in a TAS run are not performed in real-time and require the use of external tools, which means they are not replicable by other players.

Despite this, TAS runs are still popular among video game enthusiasts and serve as a way to showcase the mechanics and capabilities of a game. They can also be used as a tool for discovering new glitches and strategies, which can then be used in legitimate speedruns.

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