SIEG IM WESTEN (Reel 2 of 12)

1 year ago

SIEG IM WESTEN (Reel 2 of 12) - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 44317, LI 242-MID-6063 - DVD Copied by Nick Stoller. Series: Motion Picture Films From G-2 Army Military Intelligence Division, compiled 1918 - ca. 1947. German. Reel 2: Shot of famous German ,autobahn highway. SEQ, British guards on parade, British recruits and German recruits being drafted. SEQ, Brauchitsch, Hitler and Keitel review parade in Berlin. SEQ, Big guns, tanks, airplanes in process ofmanufacture. SEQ, German troops enter Rhineland, Vienna, Austria and Sudentenland. CU, Hitler stands up in car and salutes. SEQ, Animation of how Germans looked at Czechoslovakia as the possible jumping off place for an attack against the Reich. Exts, building of West Wall. CU, Dr. Todt, founder of Nazi "Todt Organization". SEQ, Ferro concrete tank traps in West Wall. CU, Dr. Hacha and Baron Von Neurath in Prague. Animation, situation in Polish Corridor. SEQ, "Polish Terror". Animation, Polish Corridor situation embodying ideas of connecting highways between East Prussia and the main part of Germany across the Corridor. SEQ, Polish parade in Warsaw. Shots - Lord Halifax, Eden, Smigly-Rydz and Churchill. SEQ, Beginning of Polish campaign on September 1, 1939. Animation, progress of Polish campaign up to the beginning siege of Warsaw and the reaching of the preliminary demarcation line between Russia and German military interests. Hitler on B.C. Scope watches proceedings on front. Air shots of combat areas shows many columns of smoke rising. Animation, capitulation of Warsaw. SEQ, German contingents during transport from finished Polish campaign back to West Wall. Inserts, German newspapers record "Post Mortem" for the eighteen day campaign. Animation, execution or the Norwegian campaign. SEQ, German destroyers and torpedo boats convoy invasion forces to Norway. German soldiers in landing barges ready for landings. German parachute troops descend to Norway's soil. Few good scenes of Junkers troop transports on airport. Animation, closed front against the west after finish of Norwegian campaign from Narvick down to the spot where the West Wall touches the North Sea. CU, German sentries in front of barbed wire entanglements use binoculars. CU, Reichs-Chancellory door. CU, Hitler returns salutes of storm troopers in Wilhelm Strasse.

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