Special Treats & Vintage Finds! | Shopping an Antique Flea Market Extravaganza

1 year ago

Fun people, favorite collections, fabulous selling and fantastic shopping! We get a lot of antique extravaganza variety in this video, where we meet YouTube creators we enjoy, send some really scarce and unique things home with collectors, then take a "rain day" to go shopping for fresh vintage jewelry, old American pottery, antique wonders and even an art deco porthole window!

The huge Mount Dora, Florida winter Antique Extravaganza is our venue, and lots of folks we enjoy find their way to this giant and centrally located vintage fest. @chaptertwovintageco, @vintageandvinyl, @SideStreetMarket and other viewers and content creators come to shop my booth...or to show-and-tell about their finds at the rest of the show! It's so much fun sharing this great event with people we enjoy, check out their versions of this show and you'll get a complete feel for how huge and varied the offerings are in this giant antique show and neighboring flea market.

We talk realized prices on some of the great stuff we're selling (better show it before it leaves for its new homes!), then do a little night shopping in anticipation that we might lose dealers as a squall comes towards us. The next day is truly wet, but I'm packed and ready to shop whoever is left...and wow, are there some deals on rain day! Butterfly wing and bakelite jewelry, nautical collectibles, Civil War bullets explained by an expert and a 250,000,000 year old fossil show us that this show has the potential to turn up anything and everything the collectors' heart could desire.

We go home with a refilled van, some great new finds, new friends and renewed connections! What a great show...I'm excited there's still the February show left to enjoy this season.


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Music from https://filmmusic.io
"Sweeter Vermouth" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

Icons made by: https://www.flaticon.com/authors/smashicons

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