How to Keep YOUR Family Safe in an Unpredictable World | Secure Dad Andy Murphy

2 years ago

When security-minded Andy Murphy was a teenager, he realized his safety was his own responsibility and now, with the Secured Dad podcast, he educates parents on how to keep their families safe from home, in public and online, challenging them to take ownership of their own security.

"My safety was my own responsibility. I started to develop my own version of what is today called situational awareness. That was not something that existed or that term didn't exist back then. And so I tried to think about, okay, if something bad happens, how do I get away? If I were going to do something bad, how would I do it? So I reverse engineer that to look at, okay, so what do I need to do to keep myself safe?" - Andy Murphy

Andy Murphy is the host of the Secure Dad Podcast and author of two books on home security and secure passwords. He has a background in IT and is passionate about helping parents keep their families safe in the digital age.

Andy Murphy had always been security conscious, and he wanted to make sure his family was safe. After the attack on Columbine, Andy realized that his safety was his own responsibility and began developing his own version of situational awareness. He now hosts the Secured Dad podcast to educate parents on small things they can do to protect their family at home, in public, and online. He stresses the importance of training to protect yourself, setting expectations for how your children should behave online, and making sure they don't share sensitive information. Andy's story shows that safety is everyone's responsibility and it's important to be aware of potential threats.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. Taking Responsibility for Your Safety: Learn how to be security minded and make safety a priority for your family.
2. Training for Real Life Threats: Understand the importance of training in self defense and first aid to be prepared for life-threatening situations.
3. Keeping Kids Safe Online: Establish expectations for online behavior and learn how to protect your kids from online predators.

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S04E13 of The Fallible Man Podcast
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