Valentines, Grammys & Halftime Show Have in Common? Satanic Rituals | We See Podcast Ep. 5

2 years ago

What do Valentines, the Grammys and the Super Bowl Halftime Show have in common? They're all Satanic rituals. In this fifth episode of the We See Podcast (airing Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 10am), Doug will discuss the very obvious symbols, sigils, and rituals that went on at both "secular" events as well as the source of the Valentines Day celebration (as with Christmas and Easter) being ancient satanic paganism. And, yes, they all tie together in a big Satanic knot. There will be plenty of receipts and research to unpack, so hope you'll join in.

* The longer I live, the more I realize there is nothing “secular”. Secular means, “of or relating to worldly things or to things that are not regarded as religious, spiritual, or sacred; temporal,” but as I search out the depths of any matter, I always seem to find a spiritual component.
* For example, one might have called the Roman Government during Jesus’ time a secular empire, but in reality, they were a very religious one as most of the roman Cesars referred to themselves as gods and vast majority of the leaders and their people observed the Roman version of the pantheon of gods.
* One might say the U.S. Government is a secular one, or that it was founded on Christianity with an undergirding principle that there should be separation between the Church and the state. And yet our capital city, Washington D.C., and all of its architecture, monuments and design elements tell the story of Freemasonry being the undergirding and overriding religious philosophy of our nation’s government.
* In the end I find the world (even outside of professed religion) to be highly religious. Even those who claim atheism or science as their philosophical base need a faith to believe that their unproven theories are actually true. When they lie so incessantly, you realize their belief system is a faith that requires to suspend your own judgment and even to deny your own senses. A billions of years old earth? Sure thing. We descended from single cell amoebas and monkeys? Why not? We live on a ball spinning at a thousand miles per hour at the equator, and even though your body tells you the earth is stationary, you are asked to ignore that fact. Believe them. That’s a faith. A faith in lies.
* So when it comes to practices that are presented as traditions, or just as fun past times that are indeed said to be secular, I of course bristle. The Grammys are an award banquet for singers, musicians, producers, writers, etc. to be honored for their efforts. But even those efforts are spiritual, a musical religion if you will, seemingly in honor of the world outside of God but actually in service of another god. And this year, as with any other, the Grammys executed another ritual to their god: Lucifer, Satan, the serpent, that old dragon. I will show you elements of that today and how the same links to masonry were evident there as the architectural symbols in D.C. represent.
* The Super bowl, American football’s penultimate game, is the American version of the Roman gladiators, sacrificing themselves in the arena to push a leather bound ball down a field into an end zone. Football is one of the many modern day bread and circus distractions that keep people in the dark about the evil works our governments and social controllers are doing behind the curtains. The game, however, is also a religious event, replete with its own rituals, mostly effected during the half-time show. Year after year these rituals include elements of masonry, of satanism, and I will show you the same in today’s broadcast.
* Finally, since Valentines Day was yesterday, we will also dive into the fact that the same ancient pagan satanic practices that undergird Christmas and Easter are the foundation of this day as well, and that its chief representative, the demonic imp Cupid, is just another false god among the pantheon that the Roman Church mixed into its version of false Christianity, and has remained a tradition to this day.

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