QSI (11/07/2022) - Emily and Nick Raggone: Declas of the Fed and Central Banks

2 years ago


Start - history of Fed and how they + CBs created market crashes to profit off shorting the economy and then bailed themselves out. Rinse and repeat money laundering to epic proportions

0:38 - how and why Fed and CBs are self-imploding with irrefutable evidence and public confirmations that Trump and white hats have taken control of Fed via UST

1:00 - $2.3 QUADRILLION global debt liability + derivatives exposure that will cripple the world

1:07 - Emily explains how CBDCs are white hat and being used to destroy Cabal CBs via Soroban and Liquidity Tokens like Ripple's XRP and Stellar's XLM

1:50 - Nick explains Fractional Reserve Banking fraud

1:53 - Emily discusses XRP buybacks

1:56 Q&A session
- should I pay taxes this year?
- if Trump becomes House Speaker or Fed Chairman does he have the power to use $2.3quadrillion for GESARA repayments?
-how does the Fed control/is related to Central Banks of other countries?
-how will GESARA debt forgiveness be implemented?
-how does this affect the future size of government and limit corruption?
-how will money laundering be minimized or handled in the quantum future?
-is my mortgage defunct? do I still need to pay it?
-what is your best guess on GESARA and RV timing?
-what does justice look like for those who are victims of illegal bank loans and loan practices?
-do people need to become sovereign on their own or wait for the Flip to 1776 Constitutional Law?
-are there any resources on how to discontinue paying mortgages?
-why is XRP splashed all over the news very publicly but there is nothing about XLM?
-how can Stellar operate without internet?
-will our accounts be liquid at the same time as the normies?
-will nefarious people also have their loans and debt forgiven?
-how/when will we know what physical Cabal assets have been seized and how can we acquire it?

Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSUCM9d1B3GPTOCVUr3dgKlMkqTXSl4Vq_oXIQwY4qQ13x63v_hpCYxvtf-_8pGVw/pub

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