BFGC - Feb 12, 2023 How Long is Never

2 years ago

Yehovah is trustworthy and never changes His promises. He does not lie or deceive and He always treats everyone fairly, regardless of their ancestry. Believers today need to study God's Word for themselves and learn what it says us about Him and how He works among mankind. If you know the promises and blessings of the Bible, but you don't know the author, Satan will use that lack of knowledge against you with his deception. Satan wants the world to think that Yehovah is mean and unforgiving and that He is unpredictable and changeable, but that is not what we see in the writings of the Bible. The Word of God is only good for believers that understand that Yehovah does not change, is not a respecter of persons, and is always just and merciful. Yehovah is not a hateful, angry God, that has a short temper and is quick to punish. When you have a personal relationship with Him and know His character and attributes, the promises and blessings promised to His children mean a lot more and can build your Trust and Faith in all the other areas of God's Word. God Never Changes and You Can Trust Him!

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