I would rather be ruled by the USA than RUSSIA

2 years ago

Five gentlemen in Pécs, Hungary considered the claim, “I would rather be ruled by America than Russia.” The ensuing lively discussion reveals differences in how these Hungarians view their own country.

One participant offers several arguments in support of Russian rule. He rejects the individualistic philosophy of the U.S., believing that Hungarian culture is more compatible with Russian collectivist thinking. He also believes that the U.S. would impose unwanted changes to Hungarian culture while Russia would have more respect for established traditions and values.

Two participants make a case for rule by the United States. They note previous Soviet rule was rejected by Hungarians and believe Hungary is more attuned to American freedom than Russian totalitarianism.

Meanwhile, two gentlemen were convinced to pick a side—and they moved…

To see more spectrum conversations from Eastern Europe, visit the “Reverse Q&A: Hungary & Romania” playlist. To be notified when new conversations are released, click SUBSCRIBE. New videos are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 1:00 pm PT.

End music from "Hungarian Dance" by The Underscore Orkestra is licensed under an Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. http://theunderscoreorkestra.com/

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Alternative titles:
Would it be better to live in America or Russia?
Is American individualism good?
Is it better to live in an individualist or collectivist society?

#peterboghossian #usa #russia #individualism #collectivism

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