Eerie Sounds of an Ice Storm | 11 Hours

2 years ago

In the heart of North Carolina's unforgiving wilderness, a wondrous symphony echoes through the trees. As an ice storm descends upon the towering pine trees, a rustling harmony emerges to soothe our souls.

An ice storm is a type of winter storm that occurs when precipitation falls in the form of freezing rain or drizzle, which then freezes upon contact with the ground, trees, and other surfaces, forming a layer of ice.

Ice storms usually occur when a layer of warm air sits above a layer of subfreezing air near the ground. The precipitation starts as snow in the upper atmosphere, but as it falls through the warm layer of air, it melts into rain. The raindrops then pass through a layer of subfreezing air near the ground, causing them to freeze upon contact with anything that is below the freezing point of water.

Thanks to the wonderful audio work of user courter of, who recorded these sounds in January 2014.

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