How your child’s unique developmental window should affect your parenting

2 years ago

Ever wondered how to avoid power plays with your small children?

In this podcast interview with Shannon Teguh, I’m chatting with Shannon about what child development windows are, how they relate to our parenting, and what this educational hack can do for the tone of your home.

Here's a sneak peek of our conversation:
• I’d love for you to talk about working with your child’s developmental window to avoid power plays - this sounds really interesting!
• I’m newly diving into child-led instruction for all 5 of my kids – preschool to high school – so I’d love to learn more from you about this. It sounds like exactly what we're trying to do.
• Anything else you’d like to tell us about this as it relates to parenting, mom life, and des-stressing your day?

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Episode transcript:

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