Bermuda has halted 5G and launched a consultation in the safety of Federal Communications Commission

2 years ago

Break out of the MATRIX -

Bermuda has halted 5G and launched a consultation in the safety of Federal Communications Commission human exposure limits, millimetre waves and 5G technology.

The consultation document of the Regulatory Authority of Bermuda regards the general concerns about alleged health impacts from the use of radiofrequency radiation, the adequacy of Federal Communications limits to protect, the use of millimeter wave spectrum and whether there should be a restriction on the number of networks that may be deployed.

The Consultation Requests answers to these 5 questions:

Bermuda Halts 5g Deployment And Opens Inquiry Into Safety Of Fcc Radiation Limits

1. Do you agree that the Federal Communications Commission, which regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable within the United States, RF Exposure standards1 are appropriate for Bermuda?

If not, what is a suitable alternative and why?

2. Do you agree that all antennae used by licensed sectoral providers should be registered with the RA? If not, what if anything should be registered with the RA e.g. location, direction (if applicable) and power level?

3. Do you agree that the Moratorium established by the EGD should be removed? If not, should it be modified and how should it be modified and why?

4. Do you agree that a real-time, publicly accessible Radiofrequency field intensity monitoring network should be deployed and a dedicated fee be levied on relevant sectoral providers and end-users that use Radiofrequency spectrum to cover the cost of the deployment and ongoing maintenance?

5. Should mmWave networks and small-cell technologies be restricted or prohibited in Bermuda? If so, why and what alternatives should be used?

The issue is making headlines in Bermuda.

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