Katty Kay: Majority of the Country Wants Gun Control Laws

2 years ago

Joe Scarborough: This is something that can be prevented.

Katty Kay: And then his father questioned him about it and he said it was fireworks going on. Clearly the father was concerned about him too and he lied to his dad about having the gun. What is frustrating in these situations is when they happen, the response used to be, now is not the time to talk about gun safety laws. We’ve moved away from that but moved, well, none of the laws would have prevented this particular shooting. It’s become almost an excuse not to do anything. What’s happened in this country, a list of things that Joe Biden wants to do, banning assault weapons, what’s happened in America since the 1990s when Republicans voted in favor of that? I mean, it was – what has changed in this country and you only have to think that it’s the Republican Party that has moved the country away from being able to implement things that the majority of the country wants. The organs of the state are not working in the way –

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