Train Wreck in east Palestine: The Deadly Story Mainstream News Won't Tell You!

2 years ago

The train wreck in Palestine that other countries are calling the United States Chernobyl - And with the mushroom cloud that developed over Ohio (after the government blew up the train), how can you blame then? To be clear, there were deadly gasses in an area around the crash but we are not talking about radiation.

When you have the governor of Ohio telling the citizens of east Palestine that they need to evacuate or they might risk death - and it's not being carried by major / mainstream news then there is a problem.

In an age where some states will arrest you for not wearing a mask during Covid, you would think Ohio would have sent the national guard to try and evacuate people. Especially when there was a threat of death via a cloud of gas from a train wreck on federal rail road tracks...

Pete Buttigieg, or transportation secretary, took over a week to even mention it. There are contaminants in the water, according to the EPA, and fish and animals are dying. You would think there would be at least an area cordoned off while they have a toxic waste team clean the area - but no, the government doesn't seem to care...

Lets take a look at the derailment and talk about the, up until now, coverup.

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