Galatians 03 Was Paul an Apostle? What was his Gospel? Gal 2:1-21

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SBC Family,

Tonight we will continue in Galatians with chapter 2. We are going fast so that we can see the whole picture of Paul's interactions with the Galatians in Acts 13-14 and his letter to them not long after. Jewish false teachers had already corrupted Paul's gospel and the Galatian believers were no longer enjoying freedom and sanctification. Boy does Satan want to derail new believers by infiltrating through false doctrine. It is very important for new believers to get thoroughly grounded in grace so they are not carried away by false doctrine.

Tonight we will see how Paul continues to defend his apostleship and gospel in order to regain footing with the Galatians so they will turn back to grace so they can enjoy freedom and sanctification. It all starts with justification, so Paul will start with justification by faith and then move to sanctification by faith. Works are not the basis of either justification or sanctification. It is all by faith!

See you tonight! Or see me if you are far, far away watching! 😬

Grace to you,


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