SWISS OCTOGONE Nazi Connection_ Zion Israel's WW3 Nuke war 2023 Same_old_Playbook

1 year ago

Swiss CIA Director Allen Dulles under JFK Admin. came from the Swiss Bern's Mallet family. CIA Dulles was a lawyer for🌐 IG Farben | German cartel. Dulles, also a banker when living in Bern Switzerland was head of banking operation laundered finances for Nazi Hitler's war machine WW2
Young Turks Armenian genocide denials Epitome of Evil_ The Armenian Genocide was just a front cover story for Rothschild secret freemasonry to start and finance both sides of WW1 the Nazi playbook for freemasonry Pike's Zion Israel's WW3 Nuke war 2023 Pharaohs are amongst all nations and peoples, they rule the entire world, and Switzerland is their base; that is why their freemason descendants always show pyramids, obelisks, Isis, Horus, the all seeing eye and the rest
Dr Sean Hross
Dr Sean Hross:
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Dr Sean Hross
The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 8 Pharaoh's Worldwide Templar Mafia

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