Media Quiet unless it fits Narrative: PPP Loans, Biden’s Brother, Gang arrests

2 years ago

SBA won’t even try to colette on PPP loans that are supposed to be paid back, citing equity. Millions of small biz owners. Covid hit they put out the PPP loan program. It was a loan and you had to apply and you had to get approved. IT was very clear that a percent of the loan had to go to salaries and utilities. They went through banks and the banks would collect the records showing compliance of records and then approve the forgiveness.

Biden won’t talk about shooting down objects because he doesn’t want Americans to panic. We have telescopes that can see plants at the end of the galaxy. The balloon thing is nothing but a big lie. We dropped it six miles off the coast of SC. We had a naval fleet to make sure no one could get close to the debris so they could tell us what it was. There is no urgency to find the 3 objects that have been shot down since the spy balloon.

James Biden name didn’t hurt when firm hired him to broker $140M saudi deal while Joe was VP between US construction company and Saudis in 2012

Stray bullet kills NYC mom of 2 sparks arrest of 23 most dangerous gang members. The gang members probably have illegal gun possessions and the Biden administration gun laws would not do anything about it. The big cities are the war zones in America.

Because the MSU shooting victims fit the narrative it is all over the news. But because the mom of 2 doesn’t fit the narrative not even spoken about.

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