Healing Miracle & Prophetic Word #healingmiracle #propheticword #powerofgod

2 years ago

Prophetic Healing and Word | Kingdom Revive

Jaco Theron receives and releases a Word of Knowledge for healing and freedom. God knows everything about us and wants our body and mind healed and free! He does not want us to hold onto condemnation and guilt! Thank you JESUS! #prophetichealing #powerofgod #supernatural #setcaptivesfree #holyspirit #godisgood #jesusculture #powerintheword #powerinthenameofjesus #mindblowingfacts #wordofgod #powerofgod #offensivetruth #offensivelove

✔S U B S C R I B E➜ to our YouTube channel. https://tinyurl.com/225n6sdf for more miracles, supernatural healings, prophetic words and free teachings.

Learn more about Jaco and Leslie at http://kingdomrevive.online/
Learn more about ReviveNow Church at revivenow.online

Jaco and Leslie Theron, have their headquarters in Tomahawk Wisconsin at ReviveNow Church as Senior Pastors and travel across the USA to minister The Gospel of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ in The Spirit and Power with a passion for Revival. Jaco and Leslie Theron have Pastored full time for 12 years and ministered across the USA and Southern Africa combined for over 7 years preaching and manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven. Throughout their ministry they have raised the lame from wheelchairs, crutches, braces and canes and witnessed countless miraculous healings through accurate and sharp prophetic ministry they have redirected tens of thousands of lives. God moves powerfully through them as together they preach the uncompromising saving grace of Jesus Christ with miracles earmarking their ministry. We are here for Revival!!!

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