This is huge! Pfizer have released a new commercial for their latest booster shot.

2 years ago

This is huge! Pfizer have released a new commercial for their latest booster shot.

Source: Russell Brand Youtube channel - This is huge! Pfizer have released a new commercial for their latest booster shot. Its contents are VERY revealing.

UNBELIEVABLE! They've already sickened, crippled, injured and killed millions upon millions worldwide with their gene altering nano-poisons "Fake Vaxxeens" and deadlier "BOOSTERS" yet they just keep at it and at it non stop even while an army and avalanche of money hungry lawyers and major lawsuits piles up to come after them. They know, these sick, twisted, demonically possessed, psychopathic evil soulless bastards, the lawyers will settle out of court all claims to the injured or dead families who survived and pay a small sum of a few millions or billions and go right back to business KILLING & PROFITEERING!

Jesus Christ talk about Capitalistic GENOCIDE! The Holocaust of the century and millennium. Only these arrogant disgusting Zionist egoistic Jew brained Nazis can do and get away with all these murderous criminal atrocities and smile all the way to their off shore profits coffers!!! Makes me sick to my stomach....who will have the ability to arrest them all and bring them all to justice and when? God help us...

Pfizer Biontech Ad Campaigns

In latest Pfizer COVID-19 ad, Martha Stewart asks: Got Booster?

The pharma giant’s commercial features America’s premier homemaker, a bivalent COVID-19 vaccine and a sword.

By Jack O'Brien
January 13, 2023
10:07 am

The last generation of #Holocaust #survivors and their children express their concerns about current events

A Five-Part #Docuseries
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Category: Health & Medical News

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