The Wake Up - Part 2 of The Jab Chronicles with Will Rowlands

1 year ago

In Part 2 of The Jab Chronicles with Will Rowlands we give a much more hopeful perspective on the future for those who succumbed to the military-grade ongoing psyop to injure, main, and kill the world population.

We take a deep dive into natural remedies and treatments that can help the jabbed and mobilize the body against the nasty wee spikes and also have a look at "controversial" allopathic options like Ivermectin and HCQ.

Natural remedies discussed are Quercitin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Echinacea, and more left-of-center (to pharma) options such as Colloidal Silver and DMSO.

We also look at the value of fasting and plain old good sleep.

To finish off we dwell on the power of love, understanding and NEVER saying "I told you so".

DISCLAIMER - We are laymen and not "medical professionals"; whatever that means these days. We do not give medical advice. Do your own research and seek out trustworthy medical assistance. It seems that the jab injured going back into the system for help are being gaslighted; choose your experts well.

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SHOW NOTES (from Will Rowlands):

PART 2 -

5 mins – Ivermectin for inhibiting spike protein docking mechanism to the ACE2 receptor

Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection

"Ivermectin B1a has been found to be the better molecule in targeting spike protein or its subunits than B1b isomer. We also scrutinized the stability of ivermectin-SARS-CoV-2 spike protein complex through molecular docking analysis stated in the later part of the manuscript."

Binding ability of Hydroxychloroquine to the spike protein (and several other phytochemicals)!po=10.7143

10 mins – instructions for making an alcohol based tincture

31 mins - A league table of anti oxidants. List of 3100 food and herbs. Reduce oxidative stress and improve inflammation with these foods and herbs.

37 mins - Potential link between blue light and incidence of cancer

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