John Deere 2305 Service (TS 14:52). How I get it on a lift to service the blades with ease. More Too

2 years ago

I need to move cars to get it on the lift sideways to open the deck so I can pull all the blades. Easier to service the fuel filter, change the oil an filter and such. What is that red ring inside the fuel bowl?... a water level in the fuel float? Fixed Wildfire rolling jack leaking hose for $75 and not $275 and it works fine. Lubra/Finer L4103F but I had to supply the O ring. Blew the air filters out and will change next time. NuBrit for the radiator and it needed it! Blades sharpened and balanced. Had to move the TR4, Austin Healey, Spitfire & Jaguar so I made short road trips. The 2305 on the lift and service starts at 14:52 Time Stamp. I have much more content on Odysee about C3 Corvettes, Lexus LS400's and much more. Thank You

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