LOVE... What is it good for?

2 years ago

After my separation, I had time to reflect on my journey and how I contributed to the marriage... Growing or Failing!

This journey took me to the topic of Love and what is it good for???
... Pain
... Happiness
... Conflict
... Failure

This ultimately took me to the conversation of Self-Love.

I wondered…
What is it good for?
What is the Value of Self-Love?
Does Self-Love Exist?
Where do I start… with Self Love?

Today on Men’s BREAKTHROUGH we are going to dive deep into Relationships, Love, and Pain…

Let’s see where we go this week.

I’m Curious!

Today's guests are Barry Selby & Charles Prinzen

The reason for Men's BREAKTHROUGH HANGOUT Podcast is to address the real topic men have on their minds! We dive deep and tear apart men and divorce, divorce rules, divorce lawyers and men and so many more topics.

We address divorce and marriage from the man's perspective.
Join us every week as we journey into the work of healing, pain, and suffering, in order to rebuild the man!

Whether you are recently separated… divorced for a while... or even married, still. What we’re going to talk about in this video... Will make a difference in your life.

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#Divorce #MensBreakthroiugh #lovemyths #selflovepodcast #selfimprovement #lawofattraction #divorceattorney #divorceadvice

Future Topics include:
How does divorce affect a man?
How does Divorce change a man?
How to stay married after an affair?

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