Let's Start With Money - William Branham's Latter Rain Revivals

2 years ago

Franklin Hall: What are you gonna start it with?
William Branham: I'm gonna start with some money.

Franklin Hall: All right, good!
Usher: I'll help you start it!

William Branham: All right, so that's fine.
- 1951, May 9. (51-0509)

For many people, the most difficult part of leaving the Latter Rain movement was leaving the investment. Many people had invested their entire lives into a belief system they eventually learned was fantasy. Unfortunately, some of them invested large sums of money.

Manipulated to believe that the world was ending with each and every world conflict, Latter Rain Converts were in constant fear of impending doom. Leaders of Latter Rain assured them that they alone had the “safe haven” to escape the apocalypse while convincing them that their money would be of no value “on the other side.” Yet those same leaders valued money very much — constantly asking for donations and begging for larger sums of money.

By the 1960s, leaders in the movement went so far as to ask converts for their life savings. Advertisements in The Voice of Healing begged subscribers to be added to their last will and testament. Sadly, many people were unable to provide for themselves after giving away large sums of money and realizing that the world did not end as those leaders claimed. Yet even still today, splinter groups from Latter Rain assure people they do not need their money, beg them to give it as an “offering,” and continue the cycle of making ministers and evangelists rich.

You can learn this and more on william-branham.org

Voice of Healing:https://william-branham.org/site/research/topics/voice_of_healing


Example asking for the last will and testament (page 15)

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