2 years ago

Outside of losing one or more loved ones in an "untimely" death, there is probably nothing more difficult so many Christians battle with than divorce and remarriage issues. (In other words - what does God bless and what doesn't He?). Precious Testimonies believes this testimony has some valuable insights for Christians caught up with the confusion and pain of divorce and remarriage issues ... ASIDE from some priceless spiritual nuggets of wisdom that can easily go right pass our micro-world awareness about our relationship with Christ PERIOD if we don't listen intently.

Something we ALL need to keep in perspective as Christians: "Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life." (2 Cor. 3:6)

Meaning WHAT? Many respected Bible scholars have said, "The Word without the wisdom of the Holy Spirit eventually leads to error. Likewise, the Holy Spirit without the clearly interpreted written Word of God to support the matter eventually leads to error as well." And were there is "error", there comes spiritual bondage to one degree or another.

Wise believers in Christ are aware of what God's Word has to say about a given matter; are willing to listen to the Bible interpretations of others ... yet ULTIMATELY take each matter to the Lord and ask and TRUST the Holy Spirit to give them CLEAR UNDERSTANDING and GUIDANCE in the matter. That's what the Bereans did, and God highly commended them for it in the scriptures.

The Word of God is HIS first and final authority on all matters. Nevertheless, His Word doesn't address ALL issues we deal with in life. Hence - to receive guidance and wisdom from Him on certain matters that are not addressed clearly in His Word, (especially matters of divorce and remarriage) we have every right to go to Him in prayer and inquire about our situation and expect Him to help us know the right thing to do in our situation. Sometimes He communicates to us quickly about the matter -- other times not so quickly.

Here's something that can help new Christians: "Our time is NOT God's time ... but God's time is ALWAYS the right time."

If you want PEACE with God, write "Be PATIENT" on your forearm to constantly remind yourself of its crucial importance when dealing with Him. Many times we want answers from Him NOW, and NOW is a "discretionary" word with Him, many have discovered.

Michael's Original Videos:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MplXm_ftT-4&t=0s
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecUrmY2kBaw&t=0s
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9Eqsf_BW4c&t=0s

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