Battle4Freedom (2023) Encounters with Jesus - Semita Ordo Salutis

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Battle4Freedom (2023) Encounters with Jesus - Semita Ordo Salutis


Foreknowledge: God’s knowing (in this sense) prior to salvation those who would be saved.

Predestination: God’s choosing before time all who would be saved.

Election: God’s choosing of all who would be saved.

Regeneration: God’s renewing of one’s life (not physically, but as opposed to the spiritual death caused by sin) (Titus 3:5).

Evangelism: The communication of the gospel by which one can be saved (Matthew 28:19).

Faith: Belief and trust in the message of the gospel (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Conversion: One’s turning to God based on the gospel (Acts 26:18).

Perseverance: One’s continued true belief—remaining in the state of salvation (Jude 1:24).

Repentance: Changing one’s mind from rejection of Christ to faith in Christ (Acts 26:20).

Justification: God’s freeing of one from the penalty of sin—the pronouncement of "not guilty" on a sinner (Romans 5:9).

Sanctification: God’s separation of one from the lure of sin (2 Timothy 2:21).

Glorification: God’s final removal of all sin from the life and presence of one (in the eternal state) (Romans 8:18; 2 Corinthians 4:17).

Reformed vs Arminian

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