Lara Logan Drops TRUTH BOMBS - She is a True Journalist

2 years ago

Lara Logan Drops truth bomb after truth bomb on the Ukraine situation. "It' hard to believe anything coming from our leaders, they lied about Covid, they lied about Russia collusion, they lied about Ukraine impeachment trial and there is so much more going in the Ukraine that nobody is talking about." She talks about Biolabs.
Lara has been a true journalist covering wars for 35 years. Lara references to the Azov Battalion and the fact that they aren't Neo-Nazis, they are an extension of the original true Nazis.

Her continued references to the occult and Nazis get her interviewers a little antsy trying to dislodge her train of thought with the fact that Zelensky is Jewish. If anyone knows anything about the occult, human sacrifice is a great part of it. This is where I'm connecting the dots all the way back to the Second World War. They were all in on it then and they are now.

"You see dishonesty when it comes to the Azov Battalion, which is funded by the US and NATO. You can find pictures online of them holding up the NATO flag and the Swastika at the same time. Their own emblem contains the Black Sun of the occult, which was a Nazi SS Emblem, and it also contains the sideways 'enlightening' insignia of the SS."

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