GDL SCN EP. 2.23 - Nordstream 2 Mystery Solved

1 year ago

Everyone have been bashing Hersh for his 'one source' story on Nordstream and the press is again prooving, they can't provide any form of journalism.
The youtuber 'Monkey Werx US' brought the evidence to the table 4 months ago.
And it supports Seymour Hersh' story 100%, except for one tiny detail. The Danish left(!) 'Press', launched a broadside against Hersh, looking at all the wrong clues - 'Norwegian' p8's. The 'former Dwarf Pulizter style danish journalist' Bo Elkjær made a fool of himself, and wasn't able to use a flightradartool. He mocked Hersh for having lost his 'touch'. Hersh simply did it again, crowning his career with another Masterpiece.

The p8 is the new Boeing flagship, basically a joke using old boeing design to make it 'cheap' (probably overpriced as fuck), and the best guess is that Hersh' source is right and they used a Bouy or a small drone with VLF (very low fequency) to trigger the explosives. Whether the Tankersquad was from USA speical ops team is unkown. If they we're, they used this patch as revealed by Trevor Paglen in CCC Berlin:

Hersh Kicked Their Ass - Without Norwegian Gas! ..... NEVER!

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