If you won the #MegaMillions what kind of gift for #Valentine would you buy?

2 years ago

Dear KINV-DB Innervision FM and SoundExchange Community,

#TheAmericanMusicFairnessAct (AMFA) has been reintroduced in both the United States Senate and House of Representatives! This is a monumental step toward achieving respect and equity for music creators, and the time to act on it is now. Tell members of Congress TODAY to support the American Music Fairness Act.

Send a message to your Representatives
Championed by Sens. Alex Padilla (D-CA) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in the Senate, and by Reps. Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in the House, AMFA demands that creators are paid for AM/FM radio plays by requiring billion-dollar corporations to pay their fair share for the music they play. AMFA protects small and college radio stations by capping what they would have to pay at as little as $10 to $500 a year.

The cause for music fairness made significant progress last year with the House Judiciary Committee’s approval of the legislation. It is important that we build on this momentum and make 2023 the year we finally rectify a decades-long injustice.

Let’s finish the fight for creators to receive performance royalties when their music is played on AM/FM radio. We encourage you to join us in ensuring the success of this critical legislation by urging Congress to pass AMFA.
KINV-DB Innervision FM and SoundExchange


This month we want fans of music to program our radio station ran by the blind and disabled, go to events at #https://innervisionrecords.org, we are also looking for song writers for our upcoming rewrite of "#EvenMe, #TheMovie," about two blind guys starting a band!
Give KINV-DB Innervision FM feedback, subscribe, share and like; and donate:
$innervisionJ, PayPal.me/InnervisionDENVER
Allen and Johnnie J. will talk about many topics you can join us on Zoom/Many Social Sites live three days a week.
1,705 of you have ask me, “How can I support Innervision' Nonprofit & radio shows? “#KINV-DBInnervision FM, you can tip us $5, $10, or $100 at; https://paypal.me/InnervisionDENVER Cash App $innervisionJ And join us on zoom
#Johnnie J. #Allen C, Monday through Wednesday 9:00am to 9:30am MT, follow us and give us a thumbs up!


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