Love & Romance in Life & Art in the 21st Century | Yaron Brook Show

2 years ago

This Valentine's Day, explore incredible depictions of romantic love in music and art. Love is life's highest value and this is a tribute to passion. Yaron shares about his own relationship and the momentous happiness that stems from forming a lasting bond.

00:00 Intro
01:15 Valentine's Day
05:06 Superbowl
07:36 Present vs Past Attitude Towards Romance
25:54 Examples of Romantic Art

Live Questions:
50:13 The opening music for anime is often about Love,but from the angle ofVirtue andValuing the other person,being stronger to keep them safe,being supportive.Not love from the angle of Lust.I find it very inspiring
52:27 Do you know supposedly Romeo and Julliet was based on the old Greek story Pyramus and Thesbe?
53:21 "The Tiger and The Snow" 2005 film by Roberto Benigni
54:00 My favorite modern painters are Sylvia Bokor and Bryan Larsen. "Kicking up her heels" and "Tomorrow Today" (Bokor) and The Ascent of Man (Larsen) are my favorites. I love Kipling's poetry, and "In Memoriam" by Tennyson
54:29 Also, great K dramas that convey a positive vision of love (besides Mr. Sunshine) are Start Up, 25-21, and Itaewon Class (I think you should give them another shot). They show the importance of shared values in love
55:00 The question from this morning " I'd love to hear you talk about how love is portrayed in contemporary art, but maybe that's a question for tonight. but I'll be working."
58:23 I think sexy and benevolent can and should go together, but today we rarely see that portrayed.
59:15 Lucia di Lamermoor is a tribal tragedy with gorgeous music. (It’s an opera.)
59:39 “Gurenge” by Amalee, about reaching a higher potential, to keep the loved one safe. Very virtuous!
1:00:00 Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde.
1:00:18 My favorite love music: Saint Saens' Organ Symphony. Who needs words?
1:00:37 A surprising delight of a movie - A Little Chaos with Kate Blanchett and Alan Rickman
1:01:00 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir movie with Rex Harrison.
1:01:17 Hi Yaron, are you and Mrs. Brook familiar with the painter Odd Nerdrum and the Norwegian podcast The Cave of Apelles? They're Aristotelian artists. It might be worth checking out for Objectivists
1:03:05 My favourite romantic author is Maeve Binchy.
1:03:54 My favorite living composer is Alma Deutscher. I love her piano concerto especially, which she premiered in 2017 when she was 12. The World Premier of her new opera in Salzburg will take place on March 4. She will soon be 18.
1:09:21 How much of people's failures today are due to there own laziness and lack of willingness to get out of there comfort zone? Or are most people hard workers and gov't regulations have destroyed their opportunities for any success? How can this be measured objectively?
1:13:51 "Full nakedness! All joys are due to thee, As souls unbodied, bodies uncloth’d must be" - John Donne, To His Mistress Going to Bed
1:14:46 Off topic. Any plans to read Malice’s new book? Its called The White Pill and is about the atrocities of Soviet Union. First chapter is about Rand and her HUAC testimony (interesting AR trivia too).
1:15:21 “It is possible that those of us who fight for the dignity of mankind will lose our fight. It is not possible that we must lose our fight.“ - the thesis of Malice’s book
1:15:42 Why do people feel such a strong desire to attack reason?
1:16:46 Does Objectivism subscribe to "virtue ethics"?
1:17:48 in Cave and the Light, the author says Plato was the main influence for the Renaissance. Do you agree?
1:20:19 Do you think people also attack reason because it gets them off the hook for their inability to think?
1:20:39 any plans for having a show with Harry Binswanger?
1:24:04 I recently finished Atlas Shrugged. Why does Cherryl Brooks commit suicide? Is there no out for her?
1:24:48 what do you tell leftists who cite "The Gilded Ages" as a failure for capitalism?

1:25:45 Outro

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