2 years ago

Dresden was a defenceless city, it was the hospital city of Germany.
There was no military presence.
Dresden was home to the wounded, women, children and the elderly.
Churchill wanted to fry some Germans, and together with the Americans, they devised the bombing campaign.

The Dresden bombing attack fried alive over 1 000 000 civilians, women and children.
That happend in two days.
Fire bombings by night.
The temperatures reached up to 18 000 ℃, melting steel that it looked like running water.
Strafing innocent people, men, women and children with machine gun fire from Spitfires and Mosquitos during day time.
Then the following night carpet bombing again with phosphorus bombs, all night long.
The next day machine gun fire again, strafing everything is sight.
This was one of the greatest War crimes ever committed by the UK & US

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