The US Soldiers Leaking Nuclear Secrets | Investigators

2 years ago

US nuclear weapons are stored across Europe but their presence is neither confirmed nor denied, so Foeke Postma from Bellingcat went looking for them.

Along with Editor Maxim Edwards, they discovered that US soldiers had been leaking highly confidential locations of these nuclear weapons via flashcard apps, for years and years as well as hundreds of other secrets that were not meant to be in the public domain at all.

It has been described as “one of the most monumental security breaches” in recent years. And all of it was online and available at the click of a button.

This is the story of this unique investigation, conducted entirely through open source techniques, harnessing the power of google searching and social media stalking to expose a massive failure of the US military.

“US Soldiers Expose Nuclear Weapons Secrets Via Flashcard Apps” by Foeke Postma for Bellingcat is available to read here;

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