Digital Electronics - Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal Conversion Tutorial

2 years ago

00:13 Why number systems are important in Digital Computing
01:36 What is a digit?
02:33 Introduction to Different Position Numeral Systems
05:33 Decimal has a base of 10
05:46 Weights of Digits are based on position
07:48 Weights as power of base 10 in Decimal System
06:49 Digits on the right side of the decimal point has a negative exponent for its weight
09:06 Binary has a base of 2
09:09 Bits
09:49 Least Significant Bit (LSB) or Least Significant Digit (LSD)
10:36 Most Significant Bit (MSB) or Most Significant Digit (MSD)
11:23 How to convert binary to decimal
12:49 How to convert fractional binary to decimal
15:03 Largest decimal number represented by 3 bits
17:09 Three bits can represent an octal digit
17:23 Largest decimal number represented by four bits
18:43 A group of 4 bits can represent a hexadecimal digit
18:59 How to convert decimal to binary
19:06 Repeated Division for Decimal to Other Number systems conversion
27:13 Octal Number System has a base of 8
28:23 How to convert octal to decimal
29:46 How to convert decimal to octal
34:03 How to convert octal to binary
37:46 How to convert binary to octal
39:49 Hexadecimal Number System has a base of 16
41:33 Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)
43:06 How to convert binary to hexadecimal
45:33 How to convert hexadecimal to binary
46:46 How to convert hexadecimal to decimal
49:29 How to convert decimal to hexadecimal
51:19 Summary

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